2 163 634 emails sent to date

There are 140 group insurance agencies who could receive your request
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • What is Groupinsurancebyemail.ca?
    Groupinsurancebyemail.ca allows you to send a request by email for quotations from numerous group insurance agencies in one single step. This allows you to save time when you search for the right advisor. In addition, the group insurance agencies know that you are shopping around. They understand that they must offer you the best price and service possible in order to gain you as a client.
    Please note that we are not group insurance agencies. We are rather an intermediary between internet customers and group insurance agencies in Quebec.
  • Will it cost me anything?
    No, there are no costs for an Internet user who is filling out an online request form.
  • If I change my mind, can I opt out?
    At any time, you can request Groupinsurancebyemail.ca end its use or planned use of your personal information by sending an email to optout@opportunitiesbyemail.com..
  • How will my personel information be used?
    Personal information collected by Groupinsurancebyemail.ca is used for the sole purpose of offering you up to 5 quotes coming from up to 5 of our partners in order for you to choose the quote that suits your need the best.Your personal information stays exclusively within Groupinsurancebyemail.ca and our partners, and is, at no time, shared with sponsors or other outside parties, without your explicit prior consent.
  • I represent an office or company that would like to become a member in order to gain greater exposure to the public. How much will this cost me?
    The online registration is free. You only pay according to the requests you received. For more information, please call 514.360.6000 or visit our corporate web site.
  • As a group insurance agencies, how will I be billed?
    The online registration is free. The payment process will be explained and a contract signed before payment is taken. No payment is taken through the web site. For more information, please call 514.360.6000 or visit our corporate web site.
Other questions and answers will be added soon!
If you have any other questions, please send us an email at djutras@toutparcourriel.com.
Thank you!
Copyright © 2005 Opportunities By Email Inc. Registered trademark of Opportunities By Email Inc. All rights reserved